We seem to be pretty focused on how smart we are compared to everyone else like it’s a universal predictor of success. While smarts are a key ingredient to the recipe for success, we are all smart. For example, I may be smarter than you in this area of testing, you may be smarter than me in this area of application. The question becomes how are you smart versus how smart are you.
What is an indication of your potential for success in emotional intelligence? I reviewed a lot of options before selecting my Emotional Intelligence certification. The EQi 2.0 was the tool I selected based on its wide-spread use, notable credibility, ease of completion, and integration of multiple aspects of our social and emotional selves. It’s provided by a company called Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS) and is a “leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than thirty years.”
“The EQ-i 2.0 measures emotional intelligence (EI) and how it can impact people and the workplace.
Applications of emotional intelligence include:
- Leadership Development
- Selection
- Organizational Development
- Executive Coaching
- Team Building
- Student Development”
New Horizon Strategies, LLC uses the EQi 2.0 in concert with individual, leadership, and cultural assessments to compile a full profile of you and your team for follow on coaching, consulting, and facilitation. Whether you’ve already had an EQ assessment and just want to dust it off or you’re interested in trying something new, this is a great way to create a measurable and repeatable impact within yourself and your organization.
Learn more by contacting us today!