Explore Our Tools

Our team has a wealth of experience and has access to over 100 different tools to help you, your team, and your enterprise Reflect, Resonate, Resolve and Refocus. Here are a few of these tools:

Personality, Leadership, and Cultural Assessments

Personality assessments and consulting often take place throughout the transition to transformation process.

We are certified in a wide range of tools to support understanding of where you are now (RESONATE).  Our assessment instruments and links to learn more are included below.  Assessment consulting sessions are typically 2-hours and include a review of the assessment, how it works, data it’s based on, your specific results (individual and/or team and/or enterprise), and coaching on your goals using this new data.

  • Everything DiSC: The DiSC is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. Everything DiSC gives people a quick and intuitive way to understand themselves and others using DiSC—a simple yet powerful model that describes four basic behavioral styles: D, i, S, and C. D = Dominance, I = Influence, S = Steadiness, and C = Conscientiousness. This assessment is a quick way to create a common language to catalyze more effective interactions.
  • EQi 2.0 Workplace and Leadership Assessments (Leadership Sample Report) and EQ 360 Assessment (Sample Report): The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) is the world’s leading assessment tool used for assessing emotional and social intelligence and an excellent way to understand the emotional competencies of an individual. It is a ‘self-rater’ instrument, but when combined with the multi-rater EQ 360 provides an in-depth snapshot of how you see yourself and how others see you.  The 360 assessment also offers up to 5 open-ended questions for your raters to answer.
  • Working Genius: Patrick Lencioni, author of “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” has created “Working Genius” to help teams become more cohesive, effective, and successful. This 10-minute assessment and custom report provides detailed insights about your areas of Working Genius along with an easy-to-use application section that will help you leverage this information in your work, on your team, and in your life. The differentiator with this assessment is the insightful change management process that sits as the backbone to each Working Genius type, making understanding where we thrive and struggle with change easy to apply for sustainable transformation with our colleagues.
  • Hogan Personality Assessment (sample Leader Report): The Hogan Personality Inventory assessment measures your day-to-day personality, also known as the bright side. It assesses how you relate to others. This can be used to determine how well you work with others, how you lead and follow, and if you are successful as a leader and as a follower.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (sample report, “Introduction to Type” workbook will also be included during the review of this assessment): The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.
  • Cultural Transformation Tool (Barrett Values): Cultural transformation happens when people in the organization become deeply aware of their motivations and can align these with their organizational strategic intentions in a collaborative way. It is an evolutionary process that unleashes the best of what can be, both individually and collectively.

Your Best Self

  • 40-Year Vision: Discover the things you really hope to see in your life.
  • Calendar Biopsy: See what no longer serves you by surgically removing appointments that don’t feel good – and adding those that do.
  • Permission Slips: Discover the link between mindset and emotional resilience.
  • Values Assessment: See where you are aligned with your greater purpose – and where you are ready to shift. 

Change Leadership

  • “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown: Learn tools and techniques for leading with courage while simultaneously honoring the vulnerability it takes to show up, speak the truth and innovate.
  • Leadership Assessments: Learn what motivates you and what your unique style and preferences are; then consider the impact they have on all you’re trying to accomplish right now.
  • Staged Adoption Curve for Change: Learn how to break big change into small packets to maintain support during change leadership initiatives.
  • Transactional Analysis: Discover a “secret decoder ring” highlighting pervasive communication traps that prevent people from having healthy organizations.

High-Performing Teams

  • Conscious Competence Model: Learn a basic model to address how humans learn – and gain patience in understanding resistance.
  • SBI Feedback: Learn how to share feedback without feeling overwhelmed by the nuances of “doing it right.”
  • Skills and Interest Brainstorming: See what makes you survive – and then discover what makes you thrive.
  • Strengths and Challenges: Gain perspective with your team by understanding how each member perceives the strengths and challenges you are facing.
  • “Teaming” by Amy Edmonson: Gain a research-based understanding of how teams rely on psychological safety to thrive.
  • “Thin Book of Trust” by Charles Feltman: Discover how the foundation of our relationships – trust – can be mended to create high-performing teams.
  • Tuckman Stages of Team Development: Discover a simple model to assess team-development cycles and what happens when things change.

Process vs. People

  • Hudson Transition Model: Recognize that you are not alone in what you are experiencing by relating to a common model of transition.
  • Input, Process, Output: Gain measured clarity by understanding the exact process you need to focus on right now. 
  • Problem Analysis (Fishbone or 5 Whys): Discover the root cause of the problems you’ve agreed to tackle.

Strategic Planning Implementation

  • Adizes Organizational Lifecycle: See where your company is on the maturity curve based on a clearly staged process model that tells you what to expect next.
  • Prioritization Matrix for Options: Learn a quick way to sort through what might feel like an overwhelmingly gray set of options to see the colorful direction you should take.

Dynamics in the Organization

  • VUCA World: Explore volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – a concept created by the U.S. Army – to respond to constant change. 

Cultural Alignment

  • Barrett Values (Cultural Transformational Tools): Get direction on what people are asking for during times of change by measuring where they see the culture today and where they hope it shifts in the future.

What Transition Are You Facing?

Book your complimentary strategy session now.