Based on overwhelmingly positive reviews from our presentation at the 2019 Gulf Coast Symposium on Human Resources, an encore presentation will be given!
Join us for “Breaking the Ice of Nice™” with Laurie Hall, MSc, PCC of New Horizon Strategies, LLC. As a “Dare to Lead™” certified facilitator, Laurie bases this presentation on Dr. Brené Brown’s recent best-selling book of same title. In the presentation, you’ll explore how to hone your communication effectiveness by determining your unique Call to Courage. The gem of the presentation is a discussion of the fears and needs linked to giving and receiving feedback — and a specific tool to use going forward. Are you ready to Break the Ice of Nice?
Many leaders tell us their organizations are pretty good, but a little too nice. If we’re avoiding having tough conversations because we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, how are we effectively communicating? The answer is we aren’t! Dr. Brené Brown’s research around Daring Leaders shows the number one barrier to braver leaders is the lack of courage to have tough conversations.
What would happen if leaders replaced being nice with being more courageous? What impact could this have with your team, with your organization, with your customers? Your first reaction may logically be, “let’s do it!”, but emotionally, we are reminded of the many ways courageous conversations have turned out badly for us in the past. This presentation will help process the fears and feelings associated with saying what needs to be said aware of the fear but more motivated by potential positive outcomes of sharing what we really, really want with the world.
Register in advance!