Texas Women Leading Government’s Gulf Coast Texas Chapter welcomes you to our fourth annual leadership conference on January 28 2022! This year, Dare to Lead™ facilitator Laurie Hall of New Horizons Strategies facilitates as we come together to take on Navigating Change Leadership Through Energy Management. Leadership starts with understanding our own journey to ultimately impact the lives of others with integrity, compassion and meaning. We’ve all adapted to unprecedented change over the last two years that have affected us personally and professionally. We will continue to experience more changes. With that comes energy depletion and burnout on a new level. Join us in exploring how to take a different approach to transforming our lives and those of others by giving yourself a day at the Texas Women Leading Government Annual Conference. Share stories from your own experiences so we can learn from each other and from the guidance of our wonderful presenter, Ms. Hall.
Prework –Attendees, please take your complimentary Personal Values Assessment on or before the conference by clicking here: https://www.valuescentre.com/tools-assessments/pva/ (It will take about 5 min to take and about 10 min to get the email back with your results.)